World Engineering Day 2025: Webbinariet Engineers of Hope

Fira världsingenjörsdagen 4 mars tillsammans med dina kollegor! Kom med på webbinariet ”Engineers of Hope”, där du hör tre berättelser finländska framgångssagor – hur ingenjörsarbete och teknologi erbjuder lösningar till vår tids problem.

Webbinarium 4.3 kl. 8.30-9.15: Engineers of Hope: Solving Global Crises Through Innovation

Webbinariet hålls på engelska. Anmäl dig senast 3.3.

We are living in an era of polycrises: war has returned to Europe, high interest rates and material costs are stalling investments, and environmental crises are deepening. Yet, amidst these challenges, there is hope. In Finland, technology professionals are developing innovations that address some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Discover three powerful stories where engineering expertise is making a real difference – even in the face of crises. This is your opportunity to gain hope and insights that point the way toward a sustainable future.

We will hear how companies Steady Energy, Enifer and Origin by Ocean are making the world a better place with their innovations. Read more about the speakers below. The event will be hosted by Maria Ritola.

Lauri Muranen

Lauri Muranen works as Head of Public Affairs at Steady Energy. On the scale of large cities, it is very challenging to produce the heat needed for buildings in a sustainable way. Steady Energy is developing a low-emission and environmentally friendly nuclear reactor, the LDR-50. Lauri Muranen has a long career in the energy sector and is known as an advocate of climate and environmentally friendly energy technologies.

Simo Ellilä

Simo Ellilä is CEO and co-founder of the Finnish biotechnology company Enifer. Enifer develops and commercialises PEKILO® mycoprotein, a sustainably produced and nutritious protein source for the food and feed industry. After learning about the PEKILO® process developed in the 1970s and seeing its potential in utilising industrial side streams, Ellilä co-founded Enifer with colleagues in 2020. Under Ellilä’s leadership, Enifer has raised significant funding and started building a commercial-scale production facility in Kirkkonummi, Finland. The aim is to start production in 2026 and meet the growing demand for sustainable protein sources.

Noora Westerlund

Noora Westerlund, Communication Director at Origin by Ocean, is a business activist who is passioned about the world’s oceans and circular economy. The environmental problems caused by algae are a threat to the world’s oceans and coastal communities. Origin by Ocean’s patented bioprocess can transform brown algae into valuable raw materials for the chemical industry. This approach, based on circular economy principles, reduces nutrient loads in the oceans, prevents climate emissions and reduces the chemical industry’s dependence on fossil raw materials.

Fira dagen tillsammans med dina kollegor – tipsa din HR-avdelning

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UNESCOs temadag World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development firas i år för sjunde gången. Webbinariet arrangeras av Engineers Finland (DIFF, IL, TEK och TFiF).